One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
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High School Transcripts

What is a transcript?

This is the official document that records a student’s academic background, including classes, grades, and credit hours.

Why do colleges need one?

  1. To help us evaluate a student’s academic background and determine his or her readiness for the college experience
  2. To improve the quality of our academic advising
  3. To determine if a prospective student meets the satisfactory completion of general education requirements
  4. To verify high school completion for the purpose of meeting University graduation requirements
  5. To document to outside organizations (accrediting agencies, employers, or government agencies) that the University endeavors to admit only qualified applicants
  6. To satisfy the U.S. Department of Education’s regulations governing the awarding of financial aid

What should be included on a transcript?

  1. The transcript must include all academic course information from the first year of high school through graduation.
  2. Information should include:
    • Course titles (i.e., Algebra I, English 10, Bible)
    • Grades earned — Be sure to provide a scale that shows the relationship between percentages earned and letter grades. This should be done even if reporting only percentages
    • Credit hours earned — The standard measure for awarding credit is the Carnegie Unit. Under this system, a student is awarded one credit for completion of a full-year course that meets daily
    • Graduation date (month, day, year)
    • Signature of parent (for home school students)
    • If you are graduating a year early, please note this on your transcript
  3. View an example transcript.

Should I submit my weighted or unweighted GPA?

Cedarville accepts both weighted and unweighted. If you have taken honors, dual enrollment, AP classes, etc., ensure that you include your weighted GPA on your transcript as it may qualify you for additional academic scholarships.

What is a final, official high school transcript?

Before their arrival at Cedarville, students must submit a final, official high school transcript. To consider a transcript final and official, Cedarville requires the following:

  • A full month/day/year graduation date (NOT Exit Date, Leave Date, or Withdraw Date)
  • An official school seal and/or an original, handwritten signature
  • Four full years of courses, grades, and credits

While electronic transcripts verified through a service such as Docufide/Parchment, Scoir, or eSCRIP-SAFE are official, transcripts sent as an attachment to an email or uploaded directly to the application file, unfortunately, do not meet the requirements for an official transcript. We cannot accept a transcript that is prepared and sent before graduation.

Where should I mail my transcript?

Mail your official transcript to Admissions, Cedarville University, 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314 or email unofficial transcripts to You can also upload unofficial transcripts on your applicant status page at